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The following are some of
the questions that we have been most frequently asked.
If your question is
not listed below then contact
us and we will try to answer it.
What kind of watch system
do you use?
What ground tackle do you
have onboard?
- Click
here to read about ground tackle used on
Long Passages.
What do you do at night when you
are at sea? Do you stop and anchor somewhere?
The ocean is much too
deep in which to anchor so we continue to sail with one
or the other of us keeping watch for ships at all times
while the other one sleeps.
See Watch systems.
So, how do you stay awake and alert?
It is important to keep your night
vision clear, so it is not wise to turn on a light to
read. Since we usually have the windvane or
autopilot steering the boat we do one or more of the
following activities:
- Listen to music using a
CD player and headphones or cockpit speakers
- Listen to books on tape or CD
- Listen to news and other programs
on either on the satellite radio or SSB radio.
- Look for shooting stars.
- Fix a cup of herbal tea or decaf
coffee to enable us to be able to sleep when we are
off watch.
- Eat fruit or a mini candy bar
- Make log entries
- Contact ships that we see via the
VHF radio
- Follow the course of ships
that we see on RADAR to ensure that we will pass
them safely.
- Check compass to ensure that we
are on still on course
- Adjust sails including reefing
sails if wind comes up.
- Watch for weather changes
such as lightning in the distance or an increase
in clouds and wind
been the most often asked question by our
non-cruising friends.) |
How do you upload your website?
We have had some difficulty finding
ways to update our website and sometimes several
weeks go by before we can find a way to publish
changes. The following methods are ones we have
used to update our website:
- If we are going to be in a
marina for a while and they have a connection at
the berth, we have the phone connection
activated, purchase and install local ISP
(Internet Service Provider) software and publish
updates using the FrontPage 'publish' function.
The marina in Marmaris, Turkey has a wireless
internet connection so we have been added to the
network and use their wireless connection and
- If the Marina has internet
connections in the office, we ask if we can
connect our computer either to their network or
use one of their phone lines. Again, with
the latter, we
must have local ISP software installed.
- In Thailand, we were in a
hotel room while our boat was being worked
on, so we installed software from a local
service provider and
used the phone in our room to gain access to the
Internet Cafes
- This is a variation on the
methods listed above. We ask to connect
our own computer to the internet cafe network
and publish using FrontPage. Because so
many people are "blogging" now, many more
internet cafes are set up to let people connect
their own computers. There can sometimes
be a small "setup" fee charged for the time it
takes the administrator to connect your computer
to their network.
It is interesting to note that we have had the
most trouble finding an internet cafe which will
allow us to connect our computer in the
'developed' countries such as the USA and
Britain. In the less developed places,
they are usually set up to allow people to
connect their computers, or are more willing to
find a way to make it possible to do so.
At Sea
- While we are at sea, we
upload our changes using an Iridium Satellite
phone, and FTP (file transfer protocol) software
via the ISP our of the phone service (Stratos).
The disadvantages to this method are: 1) cost
($1.50/minute); 2) FrontPage extensions such as
hit counters are "broken"; and 3) we must keep
track of all changes so that we know which files
we need to transfer.
When using the FrontPage 'publish' function, the
software keeps track of all changes and
publishes only those pages that have been
changed, which is why we prefer to publish using
What type of software do
you use to create and maintain your website?